Friday, April 24, 2009

Journal Entry

Dear Journal, Feb/27/50 BC 6:30 AM

I woke up early this morning because I had an important race today at the stadium. Everyone is depending on me, I'm so nervous and the race may cause me serious injuries. Today's race is a two people race and its so nerve wreaking just thinking about it. Now I need to go and warm up before the big race.

Dear Journal, Feb/27/50 BC 4:41 PM

Today's race was really intense. My opponent was Severus Konar. He is one of the best charioteers in ancient history. Julius Caesar was watching our race, that made me even more nervous. We raced around the track 12 times. When I fell during the race I thought I had already lost. Then I got up and chased after my horses and got back on to my chariot. The race was not over yet but Serverus had already lapped me once, I wasn't going to let him lap me again. My arm was bleeding non-stop but I needed to win this race. If i didn't, people who bet on me would loose their money and my family and I would be the laughing stock of Rome! I tried my hardest to catch up to him... after a few minutes I was right beside him! Then... next thing you know, I lapped him twice! It was finally my twelfth lap and just when I was about to finish my lap... Serverus came chasing after me with his flax. He was about to cut my reins off but instead he accidentally let go of his reins and dropped the falx. I ignored it and got to the finish line... I WON! I couldn't believe it! The crowd went wild! I turned around, there stood Julius Caesar on the riser looking as proud as ever down at me clapping his hands together. Today was the happiest day of my life.

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